Workforce Development and Accessible Materials and Technologies: Synthesis of Knowledge Development Findings
The National AEM Center’s Quality Indicators provide actionable steps toward increasing the availability and use of accessible materials and technologies from early learning through postsecondary education and workforce development. When an opportunity arose in 2020 to further advance the development of these Quality Indicators, the Center conducted a series of interviews with experts in agencies, organizations, and institutions with knowledge and experience in program accessibility and career training. Additionally, a literature and federal policy review was conducted to highlight areas of specific relevance to the provision of accessible materials and technologies in workforce development settings. This synthesis summarizes these knowledge development activities that informed the development of version 2.0 of the Critical Components for Providing Accessible Materials and Technologies for Workforce Development Programs.
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National Center on Accessible Educational Materials (2020). Workforce Development and Accessible Materials and Technologies: Synthesis of Knowledge Development Findings. Wakefield, MA: Author. Retrieved [insert date] from