Module 5: Providing Accessible Formats for PreK-12 Learners
Visit the AEM Center's Online Learning Series.
Understanding accessible formats requires some background knowledge of the barriers many learners with disabilities experience when reading or accessing information in text-based materials. Once a team determines that a student needs materials in one or more accessible formats, steps are taken to select the appropriate format(s) and identify the sources of those materials.
This module is composed of a recorded webinar and up to four hours of additional activities. Each level has a time commitment of approximately one hour. Choose how many levels you complete by the amount of time you want to spend developing your skills.
Begin by watching this one-hour webinar, which explains:
- The meaning of accessible formats of materials
- The process for determining a student’s need for accessible formats
- Navigating sources of accessible formats
Level 1: Start
Goal: Explain the importance of providing accessible formats for students who need them.
Time Commitment: 2 hours (including the one-hour webinar)
Build Understanding
- Watch Gaining Independence with AIM and AT (YouTube video)
- Review:
Reflect & Take Action
Explain the importance of providing accessible formats and share that with a colleague who is new to the topic. In your explanation, include:
- An example of a barrier that some students experience when using text-based materials.
- A description of how one or more accessible formats might remove that barrier.
Level 2: Reach
Goal: Describe the characteristics of a student who needs accessible formats of instructional materials.
Time Commitment: 3 hours (including the one-hour webinar and the Level 1 activities)
Build Understanding
- Complete the Level 1 activities
- Review:
Reflect & Take Action
Describe to a colleague the characteristics of a student who needs accessible formats. In your description, include:
- Specific evidence of the difficulty the student experiences when reading or accessing some or all text-based materials used in the curriculum.
- Your rationale for determining the student will make adequate progress if exactly the same information is presented in one or more accessible formats, as opposed to the need for a modified curriculum.
Level 3: Stretch
Goal: Demonstrate the process for selecting and acquiring accessible formats for students who need them.
Time Commitment: 4 hours (including the one-hour webinar and the Level 1 & Level 2 activities)
Build Understanding
- Complete the Level 1 & Level 2 activities
- Review:
Reflect & Take Action
For the student you described in the Level 2 activity:
- Select an accessible format needed for an instructional material used in the curriculum or content area of your choice (e.g., social studies, science, mathematics, English language arts).
- Identify a source for the accessible format of the material selected.